Baby Name Rankings of Clovis

Clovis: Statistics About The Baby Name Clovis

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1941979430.0034% ***
1940997420.0035% ***
1937838530.0049% ***
1935780630.0059% ***
1934785620.0058% ***
1933821570.0056% ***
1931972460.0043% ***
1930801650.0058% ***
1929795660.0060% ***
1928884570.0050% ***
1927909560.0048% ***
1926822650.0057% ***
1925872590.0051% ***
1924780740.0063% ***
1923786710.0063% ***
1922833670.0060% ***
1921894610.0054% ***
1920739780.0071% ***
1919811650.0064% ***
1918792680.0065% ***
1917654840.0088% ***
1916772630.0068% ***
1915744650.0074% ***
1914634640.0094% ***
1913734400.0075% ***
1912717360.0080% ***
1911932130.0054% ***
1910879130.0062% ***
1908789120.0072% ***
190694380.0056% ***
190585090.0063% ***
1904696120.0087% ***
1903663120.0093% ***
189882180.0061% ***
189780280.0066% ***
189691370.0054% ***
189371590.0074% ***
189298160.0046% ***
189076180.0067% ***
188883270.0054% ***
188076170.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.