Baby Name Rankings of Cletus

Cletus: Statistics About The Baby Name Cletus

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1966922620.0034% ***
19651000540.0029% ***
1964936660.0033% ***
1963957620.0030% ***
1961954640.0030% ***
1957947640.0029% ***
1956988570.0027% ***
1955905670.0032% ***
1954931630.0030% ***
1953909620.0031% ***
1952801760.0039% ***
1951760840.0044% ***
1950759810.0045% ***
1949759820.0046% ***
1948787750.0042% ***
1947772790.0043% ***
1946680900.0055% ***
1945644880.0064% ***
1944721740.0053% ***
1943639990.0068% ***
1942683880.0062% ***
19415741070.0085% ***
1940605960.0081% ***
1939575990.0087% ***
1938601970.0085% ***
19375291190.0109% ***
19365061260.0119% ***
19354851360.0127% ***
19344961350.0127% ***
19335021250.0123% ***
19324551550.0144% ***
19314971330.0125% ***
19304431760.0156% ***
19294651590.0144% ***
19284821600.0140% ***
19274391930.0166% ***
19264281990.0174% ***
19254421840.0160% ***
19244072250.0193% ***
19234302000.0177% ***
19223922340.0208% ***
19214651740.0153% ***
19204611740.0158% ***
19194521680.0165% ***
19184142000.0190% ***
19174091900.0198% ***
19164331710.0185% ***
19154381540.0175% ***
1914497970.0142% ***
1913476830.0155% ***
1912486660.0146% ***
1911508340.0141% ***
1910546270.0130% ***
1909454310.0176% ***
1908439300.0180% ***
1907473240.0151% ***
1906650140.0097% ***
1905532190.0133% ***
1904590150.0108% ***
1903582150.0116% ***
1902757100.0075% ***
1901609120.0104% ***
1900652150.0092% ***
1899672100.0087% ***
189882080.0061% ***
189773590.0074% ***
1896681110.0085% ***
1895700100.0079% ***
1894683100.0080% ***
1893577120.0099% ***
189199950.0046% ***
188699350.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.