Baby Name Rankings of Cierra

Cierra: Statistics About The Baby Name Cierra

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2008*** 7883650.0178%
2007*** 7164030.0193%
2006*** 5635140.0250%
2005*** 4157390.0371%
2004*** 3479060.0456%
2003*** 2901,0650.0534%
2002*** 2511,2640.0643%
2001*** 2311,3660.0692%
2000*** 2301,3820.0695%
1999*** 1961,5700.0808%
1998*** 1811,6850.0871%
1997*** 1801,6770.0880%
1996*** 1871,5960.0834%
1995*** 1851,5940.0831%
1994*** 2051,4150.0727%
1993*** 2071,4040.0713%
1992*** 2641,0530.0526%
1991*** 2711,0130.0499%
1990*** 2681,0420.0508%
1989*** 3048580.0431%
1988*** 3377250.0378%
1987*** 3117840.0419%
1986*** 3486880.0373%
1985*** 4664560.0247%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.