Baby Name Rankings of Cicero

Cicero: Statistics About The Baby Name Cicero

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1910990110.0053% ***
1909657170.0096% ***
1905619150.0105% ***
1903554160.0124% ***
1902539160.0121% ***
190197160.0052% ***
1900586180.0111% ***
1899586120.0104% ***
1898526160.0121% ***
1897657110.0090% ***
1896556140.0108% ***
1894682100.0080% ***
1893546130.0107% ***
1892552140.0106% ***
1891608100.0092% ***
1890541130.0109% ***
188973280.0067% ***
1888534140.0108% ***
1887594100.0091% ***
188671080.0067% ***
1885484150.0129% ***
1884578110.0090% ***
1883564110.0098% ***
1882518130.0107% ***
1881398180.0166% ***
1880487140.0118% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.