Baby Name Rankings of Christin

Christin: Statistics About The Baby Name Christin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1996*** 9781940.0101%
1995*** 8762170.0113%
1994*** 8442360.0121%
1993*** 7942550.0130%
1992*** 7312900.0145%
1991*** 6923080.0152%
1990*** 6153650.0178%
1989*** 2869270.0466%
1988*** 5104310.0225%
1987*** 5423700.0198%
1986*** 5373800.0206%
1985*** 4474900.0266%
1984*** 4035240.0291%
1983*** 4324930.0276%
1982*** 3796050.0334%
1981*** 3865830.0326%
1980*** 4235150.0290%
1979*** 7312260.0131%
1978*** 8921630.0099%
1977*** 8611700.0103%
1976*** 7901790.0114%
1975*** 6902160.0139%
1974*** 6712230.0142%
1973*** 7861680.0108%
1972*** 7401880.0117%
1971*** 8611560.0089%
1970*** 9421350.0074%
1969*** 8681450.0082%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.