Baby Name Rankings of Cheyanne

Cheyanne: Statistics About The Baby Name Cheyanne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2012*** 9702610.0136%
2011*** 8712970.0155%
2010*** 7393740.0193%
2009*** 5994950.0247%
2008*** 4966250.0304%
2007*** 4836630.0318%
2006*** 6574330.0211%
2005*** 6304360.0219%
2004*** 5664980.0251%
2003*** 4666360.0319%
2002*** 4296760.0344%
2001*** 4047120.0361%
2000*** 3707930.0399%
1999*** 3289290.0478%
1998*** 3298930.0462%
1997*** 3179240.0485%
1996*** 3079280.0485%
1995*** 3547420.0387%
1994*** 4365760.0296%
1993*** 5054880.0248%
1992*** 6873150.0157%
1991*** 7702670.0131%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.