Baby Name Rankings of Chelsey

Chelsey: Statistics About The Baby Name Chelsey

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2007*** 8243440.0165%
2006*** 7903410.0166%
2005*** 7933210.0161%
2004*** 7433480.0175%
2003*** 6863780.0190%
2002*** 6044230.0215%
2001*** 5404910.0249%
2000*** 4755780.0290%
1999*** 4326370.0328%
1998*** 3488320.0430%
1997*** 2631,0980.0576%
1996*** 2241,2810.0669%
1995*** 2061,4060.0733%
1994*** 1781,6550.0850%
1993*** 1452,1550.1095%
1992*** 1162,8770.1437%
1991*** 1292,4400.1201%
1990*** 1282,4440.1191%
1989*** 1402,2020.1106%
1988*** 1481,8810.0981%
1987*** 1851,4760.0789%
1986*** 3028070.0438%
1985*** 3008140.0442%
1984*** 3227280.0404%
1983*** 4035330.0298%
1982*** 5673220.0178%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.