Baby Name Rankings of Charlee

Charlee: Statistics About The Baby Name Charlee

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3588480.0485%
2022*** 3469150.0513%
2021*** 2721,1460.0644%
2020*** 2791,1300.0641%
2019*** 2841,1560.0634%
2018*** 2881,1410.0618%
2017*** 2771,1540.0615%
2016*** 2951,0980.0569%
2015*** 2821,1210.0579%
2014*** 3131,0430.0538%
2013*** 3249920.0520%
2012*** 3818170.0425%
2011*** 4397030.0366%
2010*** 5575180.0267%
2009*** 7263950.0197%
2008*** 8203450.0168%
2007*** 9762700.0130%
2006*** 9152850.0139%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.