Baby Name Rankings of Celine

Celine: Statistics About The Baby Name Celine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3001,0260.0587%
2022*** 3429370.0525%
2021*** 3907980.0448%
2020*** 4616680.0379%
2019*** 4906380.0350%
2018*** 5036130.0332%
2017*** 5365740.0306%
2016*** 6064920.0255%
2015*** 8243380.0175%
2014*** 7143890.0201%
2013*** 7803450.0181%
2012*** 9472670.0139%
2007*** 9862660.0128%
2005*** 9392590.0130%
2004*** 7963150.0159%
2003*** 7993080.0154%
2002*** 7793010.0153%
2001*** 8252810.0142%
2000*** 6753570.0179%
1999*** 6173920.0202%
1998*** 4565630.0291%
1997*** 5364430.0232%
1996*** 7742710.0142%
1995*** 8512290.0119%
1994*** 8182460.0126%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.