Baby Name Rankings of Celina

Celina: Statistics About The Baby Name Celina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2005*** 9802450.0123%
2002*** 8282810.0143%
2001*** 9532310.0117%
2000*** 7692960.0149%
1999*** 6893270.0168%
1998*** 6633470.0179%
1997*** 6353530.0185%
1996*** 6303560.0186%
1995*** 4575540.0289%
1994*** 4235930.0305%
1993*** 5084860.0247%
1992*** 6163680.0184%
1991*** 6703220.0159%
1990*** 7042980.0145%
1989*** 7832460.0124%
1988*** 8002310.0120%
1987*** 7782270.0121%
1986*** 7272440.0132%
1985*** 6662720.0148%
1984*** 6252820.0157%
1983*** 7212310.0129%
1982*** 6652670.0147%
1981*** 6882510.0141%
1980*** 7162330.0131%
1979*** 7112380.0138%
1978*** 6412530.0154%
1977*** 5613120.0190%
1976*** 7421970.0125%
1975*** 9311370.0088%
1974*** 9511300.0083%
1973*** 8771450.0093%
1905*** 972150.0048%
1899*** 795170.0069%
1898*** 825170.0062%
1897*** 793160.0064%
1895*** 996110.0045%
1893*** 720170.0075%
1892*** 968100.0044%
1891*** 756130.0066%
1890*** 621180.0089%
1889*** 763120.0063%
1888*** 802110.0058%
1886*** 665120.0078%
1885*** 545160.0113%
1884*** 74390.0065%
1883*** 83760.0050%
1882*** 75570.0060%
1881*** 514110.0111%
1880*** 494120.0123%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.