Baby Name Rankings of Cedrick

Cedrick: Statistics About The Baby Name Cedrick

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19969201420.0071% ***
19939751220.0059% ***
19929681240.0059% ***
19919761190.0056% ***
19908281520.0071% ***
19897561700.0081% ***
19888281300.0065% ***
19877801390.0071% ***
19867861320.0069% ***
19857771290.0067% ***
19846891580.0084% ***
19836571690.0091% ***
19826421810.0096% ***
19816451740.0094% ***
19806231960.0106% ***
19797001500.0084% ***
19785941990.0117% ***
19776881510.0089% ***
19766621540.0094% ***
19757031380.0085% ***
19746541520.0093% ***
19737131270.0079% ***
19727401140.0068% ***
1971813980.0054% ***
1970849900.0047% ***
1969862790.0043% ***
1967884660.0037% ***
1966983550.0030% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.