Baby Name Rankings of Casper

Casper: Statistics About The Baby Name Casper

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1933977420.0041% ***
1932901510.0048% ***
1931924490.0046% ***
1930865580.0051% ***
1929797650.0059% ***
1928927530.0047% ***
1927742780.0067% ***
1926917540.0047% ***
1925723800.0070% ***
1924697880.0075% ***
1923665930.0082% ***
1922704860.0076% ***
1921733810.0071% ***
1920702850.0077% ***
19195641130.0111% ***
1918669860.0082% ***
19175701070.0112% ***
1916663790.0086% ***
19155351080.0123% ***
1914589730.0107% ***
1913587560.0105% ***
1912538550.0122% ***
1911625240.0100% ***
1910877130.0062% ***
1909637180.0102% ***
1908687150.0090% ***
1907515210.0132% ***
1906719120.0083% ***
1905596160.0112% ***
1904617140.0101% ***
190392370.0054% ***
1902538160.0121% ***
1901643110.0095% ***
1900684140.0086% ***
1899485160.0139% ***
1898454200.0151% ***
1897481170.0139% ***
1896408230.0178% ***
1895560140.0111% ***
1894422200.0160% ***
1893463160.0132% ***
1892425200.0152% ***
1891390200.0183% ***
1890515140.0117% ***
1889332280.0235% ***
1888370250.0192% ***
1887552110.0101% ***
1886370220.0185% ***
1885381220.0190% ***
1884506140.0114% ***
1883450160.0142% ***
1882357250.0205% ***
1881445150.0138% ***
1880466150.0127% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.