Baby Name Rankings of Carolynn

Carolynn: Statistics About The Baby Name Carolynn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1954*** 9241090.0055%
1952*** 8251220.0064%
1951*** 8821040.0056%
1950*** 8491080.0061%
1949*** 7621280.0073%
1948*** 6991420.0082%
1947*** 6451650.0091%
1946*** 6211630.0101%
1945*** 6011440.0107%
1944*** 5701640.0120%
1943*** 5911610.0112%
1942*** 5681690.0121%
1941*** 6401230.0099%
1940*** 6721060.0090%
1939*** 819710.0063%
1938*** 847700.0061%
1937*** 849660.0060%
1935*** 937550.0051%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.