Baby Name Rankings of Carole

Carole: Statistics About The Baby Name Carole

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1977*** 9291500.0091%
1976*** 9271400.0089%
1975*** 7561880.0121%
1974*** 7411920.0123%
1973*** 6772200.0142%
1972*** 5702890.0179%
1971*** 5243500.0200%
1970*** 4794220.0231%
1969*** 4125340.0303%
1968*** 3636130.0359%
1967*** 3297030.0410%
1966*** 3227550.0430%
1965*** 2988980.0492%
1964*** 2631,1670.0597%
1963*** 2601,1520.0580%
1962*** 2321,3820.0682%
1961*** 2051,6770.0808%
1960*** 2041,6860.0811%
1959*** 2211,4210.0684%
1958*** 2111,5120.0733%
1957*** 2081,6090.0767%
1956*** 2141,4190.0689%
1955*** 2131,4290.0713%
1954*** 2031,5030.0755%
1953*** 1881,6340.0848%
1952*** 1711,8340.0964%
1951*** 1581,9580.1062%
1950*** 1402,2140.1259%
1949*** 1182,7580.1572%
1948*** 1063,3060.1899%
1947*** 1023,8290.2108%
1946*** 724,6210.2871%
1945*** 514,8450.3600%
1944*** 436,2590.4585%
1943*** 426,4810.4526%
1942*** 358,4200.6050%
1941*** 484,9630.3987%
1940*** 494,7840.4050%
1939*** 474,6750.4123%
1938*** 464,6140.4044%
1937*** 554,1960.3810%
1936*** 733,2010.2972%
1935*** 932,6810.2468%
1934*** 892,6520.2452%
1933*** 1072,1460.2053%
1932*** 1511,3140.1188%
1931*** 2128530.0774%
1930*** 3194260.0366%
1929*** 3733260.0282%
1928*** 4302470.0207%
1927*** 4772140.0173%
1926*** 4902030.0165%
1925*** 4702160.0171%
1924*** 4842070.0160%
1923*** 5181840.0147%
1922*** 5681600.0128%
1921*** 6051440.0113%
1920*** 7201010.0081%
1919*** 772830.0071%
1918*** 740930.0077%
1917*** 763820.0073%
1916*** 830660.0061%
1915*** 934500.0049%
1914*** 878440.0055%
1913*** 961310.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.