Baby Name Rankings of Carmelo

Carmelo: Statistics About The Baby Name Carmelo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237383550.0194% ***
20227003750.0201% ***
20216833850.0207% ***
20207183440.0187% ***
20197063490.0183% ***
20187173320.0172% ***
20177573080.0157% ***
20166943540.0175% ***
20157073500.0173% ***
20146533990.0197% ***
20135155130.0256% ***
20125774410.0219% ***
20115804290.0213% ***
20107772850.0140% ***
20098312580.0123% ***
20089412120.0099% ***
20078602370.0109% ***
20068702240.0104% ***
20058961980.0095% ***
20049051850.0089% ***
1984974830.0044% ***
1978936850.0050% ***
1977981760.0045% ***
1976940790.0048% ***
1975909810.0050% ***
1974893820.0050% ***
1973902780.0048% ***
19727211220.0073% ***
1971905800.0044% ***
19708051010.0053% ***
19697491090.0060% ***
1968793870.0049% ***
1967773890.0050% ***
1966761920.0051% ***
1965798860.0045% ***
1964853790.0039% ***
1963811870.0042% ***
1962854780.0037% ***
1961852800.0037% ***
1960938650.0030% ***
1959895730.0034% ***
1958798880.0041% ***
1957834810.0037% ***
1956885710.0033% ***
1955853740.0035% ***
1954842740.0036% ***
1952993520.0026% ***
1935970430.0040% ***
1933895480.0047% ***
1932992440.0041% ***
1931878530.0050% ***
1930808640.0057% ***
1928905550.0048% ***
1927687880.0076% ***
1926857600.0052% ***
1925659940.0082% ***
1924714850.0073% ***
1923658950.0084% ***
1922655960.0085% ***
1921805710.0062% ***
1920706840.0076% ***
1919654880.0087% ***
1918773710.0068% ***
1917678780.0081% ***
1916712710.0077% ***
1915793580.0066% ***
1914701540.0079% ***
1913838330.0062% ***
1911611250.0104% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.