Baby Name Rankings of Carmella

Carmella: Statistics About The Baby Name Carmella

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1970*** 9481340.0073%
1969*** 9381280.0073%
1968*** 8881340.0078%
1967*** 8441430.0083%
1966*** 9511140.0065%
1965*** 8331430.0078%
1964*** 8451520.0078%
1963*** 8701450.0073%
1962*** 9061360.0067%
1961*** 8631520.0073%
1960*** 8111640.0079%
1959*** 9171300.0063%
1958*** 7831630.0079%
1957*** 8231520.0072%
1956*** 7761600.0078%
1955*** 7821510.0075%
1954*** 8381260.0063%
1953*** 7681410.0073%
1952*** 8241220.0064%
1951*** 6931610.0087%
1950*** 6841570.0089%
1949*** 6651560.0089%
1948*** 7451300.0075%
1947*** 6181840.0101%
1946*** 7021320.0082%
1945*** 6981120.0083%
1944*** 6331340.0098%
1943*** 6131510.0105%
1942*** 5461850.0133%
1941*** 5461670.0134%
1940*** 5001910.0162%
1939*** 5141690.0149%
1938*** 4751940.0170%
1937*** 4641970.0179%
1936*** 4661890.0175%
1935*** 4362200.0203%
1934*** 4192450.0226%
1933*** 3982610.0250%
1932*** 3952740.0248%
1931*** 3852840.0258%
1930*** 3533570.0306%
1929*** 3234070.0352%
1928*** 3333980.0333%
1927*** 3014950.0401%
1926*** 2984960.0404%
1925*** 3024830.0383%
1924*** 2945140.0397%
1923*** 3044490.0359%
1922*** 2765550.0445%
1921*** 2964960.0388%
1920*** 3044600.0370%
1919*** 3014410.0375%
1918*** 3014580.0381%
1917*** 3014230.0377%
1916*** 2974080.0376%
1915*** 3023720.0364%
1914*** 3382450.0308%
1913*** 3571840.0282%
1912*** 3841440.0246%
1911*** 408960.0218%
1910*** 418890.0213%
1909*** 462660.0180%
1908*** 417750.0212%
1907*** 521470.0139%
1906*** 453570.0182%
1905*** 528420.0136%
1904*** 493440.0150%
1903*** 529370.0133%
1902*** 601300.0107%
1901*** 724200.0079%
1900*** 728250.0079%
1899*** 645230.0093%
1898*** 794180.0066%
1897*** 936120.0048%
1896*** 907130.0052%
1894*** 860130.0055%
1893*** 911110.0049%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.