Baby Name Rankings of Carley

Carley: Statistics About The Baby Name Carley

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2013*** 8752920.0153%
2012*** 9402700.0141%
2011*** 8912900.0151%
2010*** 7563590.0185%
2009*** 7343900.0195%
2008*** 6374770.0232%
2007*** 5465550.0266%
2006*** 5505250.0255%
2005*** 4846180.0310%
2004*** 5075620.0283%
2003*** 5235370.0269%
2002*** 4875700.0290%
2001*** 4566060.0307%
2000*** 4106850.0344%
1999*** 4446020.0310%
1998*** 3897120.0368%
1997*** 3806930.0364%
1996*** 3767030.0367%
1995*** 4166180.0322%
1994*** 4116030.0310%
1993*** 4245890.0299%
1992*** 4096150.0307%
1991*** 4844980.0245%
1990*** 7612710.0132%
1989*** 8302280.0115%
1988*** 7232580.0134%
1987*** 7902220.0119%
1986*** 8072080.0113%
1985*** 9011760.0095%
1984*** 8541790.0099%
1983*** 9361580.0088%
1982*** 9861490.0082%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.