Baby Name Rankings of Carissa

Carissa: Statistics About The Baby Name Carissa

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2012*** 9642620.0136%
2011*** 9202790.0145%
2010*** 8293210.0165%
2009*** 8583220.0161%
2008*** 7274040.0197%
2007*** 6244690.0225%
2006*** 5854910.0239%
2005*** 5724930.0247%
2004*** 4756100.0307%
2003*** 4616440.0323%
2002*** 4186900.0351%
2001*** 4107060.0358%
2000*** 4116840.0344%
1999*** 4096800.0350%
1998*** 4006860.0355%
1997*** 3956580.0345%
1996*** 3727230.0378%
1995*** 3298180.0426%
1994*** 3049030.0464%
1993*** 2859760.0496%
1992*** 2381,1550.0577%
1991*** 2501,1090.0546%
1990*** 2561,1070.0540%
1989*** 2799640.0484%
1988*** 2968340.0435%
1987*** 3347330.0392%
1986*** 3117640.0415%
1985*** 3267310.0397%
1984*** 3167510.0417%
1983*** 3137360.0412%
1982*** 3357120.0393%
1981*** 3496710.0376%
1980*** 3327250.0408%
1979*** 3436850.0398%
1978*** 3825530.0337%
1977*** 3935330.0324%
1976*** 4264750.0302%
1975*** 5553070.0197%
1974*** 5832710.0173%
1973*** 6752210.0142%
1972*** 6832160.0134%
1971*** 7282080.0119%
1970*** 8261660.0091%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.