Baby Name Rankings of Carina

Carina: Statistics About The Baby Name Carina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2010*** 9482680.0138%
2009*** 8703130.0156%
2008*** 9013040.0148%
2007*** 8433340.0160%
2006*** 8643050.0148%
2005*** 7423550.0178%
2004*** 7293600.0181%
2003*** 6613990.0200%
2002*** 6533860.0196%
2001*** 6064140.0210%
2000*** 5664600.0231%
1999*** 5504590.0236%
1998*** 5524480.0232%
1997*** 5294470.0235%
1996*** 4176070.0317%
1995*** 3836870.0358%
1994*** 4535620.0289%
1993*** 4475570.0283%
1992*** 4745200.0260%
1991*** 4894890.0241%
1990*** 5444340.0212%
1989*** 5603990.0200%
1988*** 6083280.0171%
1987*** 7392440.0130%
1986*** 7342420.0131%
1985*** 6942530.0137%
1984*** 6822470.0137%
1983*** 7282260.0126%
1982*** 7222390.0132%
1981*** 7672120.0119%
1980*** 7632170.0122%
1979*** 8031960.0114%
1978*** 8161830.0111%
1977*** 8101850.0113%
1976*** 8971470.0094%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.