Baby Name Rankings of Camryn

Camryn: Statistics About The Baby Name Camryn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 4946170.0353%
2022*** 4457010.0393%
2021*** 3838070.0454%
2020*** 4067670.0435%
2019*** 4007710.0423%
2018*** 4017670.0415%
2017*** 4207520.0401%
2016*** 4088160.0423%
2015*** 3958220.0425%
2014*** 3988100.0418%
20139782020.0101% 3828040.0421%
20129252200.0109% 3459130.0475%
20118322580.0128% 2941,0570.0550%
20108592430.0119% 2811,1670.0601%
20097782880.0137% 2461,3340.0666%
20089002280.0106% 2441,4030.0683%
20079172120.0097% 2141,5900.0763%
20069291980.0092% 2161,5630.0760%
20059481800.0086% 2351,4180.0712%
2004*** 2231,4970.0754%
2003*** 3099950.0499%
2002*** 2501,2640.0643%
2001*** 2021,5950.0808%
2000*** 1831,7530.0881%
1999*** 1582,0470.1054%
1998*** 3667820.0404%
1997*** 8532390.0125%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.