Baby Name Rankings of Bud

Bud: Statistics About The Baby Name Bud

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1965862730.0039% ***
1964962630.0031% ***
1963887710.0034% ***
1962895720.0034% ***
1961783940.0044% ***
19607151190.0055% ***
19596471420.0066% ***
19587051120.0052% ***
19576681300.0059% ***
1956746970.0045% ***
19556621210.0058% ***
1954786830.0040% ***
19537101000.0050% ***
19526951010.0051% ***
1951728910.0048% ***
19506271200.0066% ***
19496051270.0071% ***
19486731000.0056% ***
19476721050.0057% ***
19466231050.0064% ***
1945664810.0059% ***
1944625970.0070% ***
1943688870.0060% ***
19425921110.0079% ***
1941676820.0065% ***
1940619930.0078% ***
1939585970.0086% ***
19385491110.0098% ***
19375031310.0120% ***
19364501550.0146% ***
19354561540.0144% ***
19344441620.0153% ***
19334231660.0163% ***
19324591540.0144% ***
19313892070.0194% ***
19304391780.0158% ***
19294441780.0161% ***
19284102130.0187% ***
19274242030.0175% ***
19264401900.0166% ***
19254561740.0151% ***
19244601770.0151% ***
19234391920.0170% ***
19224651770.0157% ***
19214471910.0168% ***
19204461850.0168% ***
19194501690.0166% ***
19184371830.0174% ***
19174251780.0186% ***
19164561530.0166% ***
19154881300.0148% ***
1914491980.0143% ***
1913458890.0166% ***
1912409900.0200% ***
1911347620.0257% ***
1910352520.0250% ***
1909419350.0198% ***
1908360400.0241% ***
1907408310.0196% ***
1906330390.0271% ***
1905361330.0230% ***
1904336360.0260% ***
1903342320.0247% ***
1902415240.0181% ***
1901326300.0259% ***
1900344400.0246% ***
1899362250.0217% ***
1898322360.0272% ***
1897273430.0353% ***
1896316350.0271% ***
1895317330.0261% ***
1894295350.0280% ***
1893286370.0306% ***
1892292390.0297% ***
1891310290.0265% ***
1890246470.0393% ***
1889233480.0403% ***
1888252480.0369% ***
1887270360.0329% ***
1886298330.0277% ***
1885248440.0379% ***
1884264420.0342% ***
1883254420.0373% ***
1882300330.0270% ***
1881257380.0351% ***
1880277370.0312% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.