Baby Name Rankings of Brycen

Brycen: Statistics About The Baby Name Brycen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237923160.0173% ***
20227213600.0193% ***
20216674020.0216% ***
20206094480.0243% ***
20195345310.0278% ***
20185015690.0295% ***
20174856010.0306% ***
20164786380.0316% ***
20154526660.0329% ***
20144037640.0376% ***
20133748040.0402% ***
20123389230.0459% ***
20113179930.0493% ***
20103648010.0394% ***
20094565880.0281% ***
20084835640.0262% ***
20075804350.0200% ***
20065884100.0190% ***
20056353370.0161% ***
20046553080.0148% ***
20037742250.0108% ***
20027352370.0115% ***
20017272380.0115% ***
20007902060.0099% ***
19999541510.0074% ***
19989561450.0072% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.