Baby Name Rankings of Brodie

Brodie: Statistics About The Baby Name Brodie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238412880.0157% ***
20228862650.0142% ***
20218082980.0160% ***
20208722580.0140% ***
20198692520.0132% ***
20189232280.0118% ***
20178302650.0135% ***
20167803040.0151% ***
20157423230.0159% ***
20146813690.0182% ***
20137033310.0165% ***
20126303810.0190% ***
20115374700.0234% ***
20105164960.0244% ***
20094905510.0263% ***
20084216870.0319% ***
20074575950.0273% ***
20064426100.0283% ***
20055704010.0192% ***
20046123430.0165% ***
20036732870.0137% ***
20027002540.0123% ***
20019211670.0081% ***
20009431600.0077% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.