Baby Name Rankings of Bridger

Bridger: Statistics About The Baby Name Bridger

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237513460.0189% ***
20227383470.0186% ***
20217213560.0191% ***
20209292390.0130% ***
20199072400.0126% ***
20189212290.0119% ***
20179442190.0112% ***
20168502630.0130% ***
20149862080.0102% ***
20139092260.0113% ***
20129382140.0106% ***
20119592050.0102% ***
20109162190.0108% ***
20098672400.0115% ***
20089782010.0093% ***
20059961680.0080% ***
20039781610.0077% ***
20019901530.0074% ***
19999911420.0070% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.