Baby Name Rankings of Brenton

Brenton: Statistics About The Baby Name Brenton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20139881990.0099% ***
20129042260.0112% ***
20118992250.0112% ***
20098932310.0110% ***
20089752020.0094% ***
20079931920.0088% ***
20069421940.0090% ***
20059221850.0089% ***
20048721970.0095% ***
20038302080.0100% ***
20028331990.0097% ***
20017952100.0102% ***
20007172420.0116% ***
19996602610.0128% ***
19986742520.0125% ***
19976252760.0138% ***
19965733180.0159% ***
19955952990.0149% ***
19945773200.0157% ***
19935623300.0160% ***
19925413530.0168% ***
19915193690.0174% ***
19904694440.0207% ***
19894454470.0214% ***
19883965000.0250% ***
19873815040.0259% ***
19863306000.0313% ***
19853286020.0313% ***
19842607990.0427% ***
19835272500.0134% ***
19825352540.0135% ***
19816261870.0101% ***
19806341880.0102% ***
19796301850.0103% ***
19787271330.0078% ***
19776331780.0104% ***
19766981410.0086% ***
19756801460.0090% ***
19746761440.0088% ***
19736021710.0106% ***
19726391530.0092% ***
19716281730.0095% ***
19705961840.0097% ***
19696601430.0078% ***
19686081560.0088% ***
1967805810.0046% ***
1966901640.0035% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.