Baby Name Rankings of Brenna

Brenna: Statistics About The Baby Name Brenna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2017*** 9942590.0138%
2016*** 9103030.0157%
2015*** 7953510.0181%
2014*** 7843550.0183%
2013*** 6824120.0216%
2012*** 6234540.0236%
2011*** 5105700.0297%
2010*** 4706350.0327%
2009*** 4446990.0349%
2008*** 4207600.0370%
2007*** 3678750.0420%
2006*** 3818390.0408%
2005*** 3538780.0441%
2004*** 3299550.0481%
2003*** 2961,0330.0518%
2002*** 3289240.0470%
2001*** 3209600.0486%
2000*** 3101,0210.0513%
1999*** 2991,0270.0529%
1998*** 2861,0460.0541%
1997*** 2811,0350.0543%
1996*** 2471,1480.0600%
1995*** 2341,2120.0632%
1994*** 2771,0040.0516%
1993*** 3467380.0375%
1992*** 3547230.0361%
1991*** 3896600.0325%
1990*** 4186060.0295%
1989*** 4405530.0278%
1988*** 4325270.0275%
1987*** 4494900.0262%
1986*** 4884390.0238%
1985*** 4674530.0246%
1984*** 4894110.0228%
1983*** 5203660.0205%
1982*** 5793150.0174%
1981*** 5603310.0185%
1980*** 6123000.0169%
1979*** 7622110.0123%
1978*** 7362120.0129%
1977*** 8121840.0112%
1976*** 7761840.0117%
1975*** 7551880.0121%
1974*** 8061670.0107%
1973*** 9151340.0086%
1971*** 9471350.0077%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.