Baby Name Rankings of Brendon

Brendon: Statistics About The Baby Name Brendon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20139871990.0099% ***
20127992780.0138% ***
20117393030.0151% ***
20106353780.0186% ***
20095714590.0219% ***
20085784370.0203% ***
20075304760.0218% ***
20065015100.0237% ***
20054725210.0250% ***
20044565580.0268% ***
20034325860.0281% ***
20024006390.0311% ***
20013966370.0309% ***
20003487850.0377% ***
19993298230.0405% ***
19983188680.0429% ***
19973327850.0394% ***
19963497020.0351% ***
19953796230.0310% ***
19943427200.0354% ***
19933985790.0281% ***
19923636470.0309% ***
19913795960.0282% ***
19904484850.0226% ***
19894224890.0234% ***
19884723750.0188% ***
19874344100.0211% ***
19864613560.0186% ***
19854873180.0166% ***
19844832980.0159% ***
19835412400.0129% ***
19825452490.0132% ***
19815762200.0118% ***
19806012080.0112% ***
19796032020.0113% ***
19786881470.0086% ***
19776131880.0110% ***
19766211740.0107% ***
19755951830.0113% ***
19747341220.0075% ***
19737631100.0068% ***
19727801040.0062% ***
19717901030.0057% ***
19707311260.0066% ***
19697401120.0061% ***
19686941180.0067% ***
1967924610.0034% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.