Baby Name Rankings of Breann

Breann: Statistics About The Baby Name Breann

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1999*** 9962060.0106%
1998*** 9532150.0111%
1997*** 8522390.0125%
1996*** 7092990.0156%
1995*** 7242820.0147%
1994*** 8542310.0119%
1993*** 7542740.0139%
1992*** 7352880.0144%
1991*** 7882590.0128%
1990*** 7762630.0128%
1989*** 8522180.0110%
1988*** 8192210.0115%
1987*** 9181800.0096%
1986*** 9121760.0096%
1985*** 9761570.0085%
1984*** 9301590.0088%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.