Baby Name Rankings of Braylen

Braylen: Statistics About The Baby Name Braylen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235735090.0278% ***
20225485380.0289% ***
20214646380.0343% ***
20205005810.0315% ***
20195025660.0297% ***
20184686180.0320% ***
20174297170.0365% ***
20164396980.0346% ***
20154127500.0370% ***
20144087520.0370% ***
20133618650.0432% ***
20123249610.0478% ***
20113151,0060.0500% ***
20103697900.0388% ***
20094127080.0338% ***
20085724450.0207% ***
20076953310.0152% ***
20067562740.0127% ***
20058282190.0105% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.