Baby Name Rankings of Braxton

Braxton: Statistics About The Baby Name Braxton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231692,1280.1162% ***
20221572,3790.1277% ***
20211462,5590.1375% ***
20201312,7680.1501% ***
20191263,0030.1573% ***
20181302,9910.1551% ***
20171183,3200.1691% ***
20161263,2940.1632% ***
20151223,2780.1617% ***
20141213,3200.1636% ***
20131223,0780.1539% ***
20121252,9840.1485% ***
20111532,4860.1235% ***
20101712,2690.1116% ***
20091742,2160.1057% ***
20082021,9200.0893% ***
20072161,7580.0806% ***
20062241,5860.0736% ***
20052511,2920.0619% ***
20042191,5710.0755% ***
20033019950.0477% ***
20023298350.0406% ***
20013447940.0385% ***
20003368140.0391% ***
19993308190.0403% ***
19983238370.0414% ***
19973337820.0392% ***
19963995910.0295% ***
19954325270.0262% ***
19944425080.0250% ***
19935673260.0158% ***
19926482530.0121% ***
19916682300.0109% ***
19907152010.0094% ***
19897941550.0074% ***
19888141360.0068% ***
19878961090.0056% ***
19868481140.0059% ***
19859051000.0052% ***
188584660.0052% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.