Baby Name Rankings of Brandi

Brandi: Statistics About The Baby Name Brandi

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2007*** 9852670.0128%
2006*** 9672660.0129%
2005*** 7833240.0163%
2004*** 6664050.0204%
2003*** 6054490.0225%
2002*** 5275190.0264%
2001*** 4606000.0304%
2000*** 3887430.0373%
1999*** 3021,0200.0525%
1998*** 2561,2000.0620%
1997*** 1991,4840.0779%
1996*** 1611,9510.1019%
1995*** 1242,5670.1338%
1994*** 1222,6300.1351%
1993*** 1242,6930.1368%
1992*** 1102,9710.1484%
1991*** 1103,0840.1518%
1990*** 1033,3400.1628%
1989*** 983,2510.1633%
1988*** 913,1650.1650%
1987*** 883,2470.1735%
1986*** 793,4290.1862%
1985*** 694,0470.2195%
1984*** 614,8460.2692%
1983*** 565,1960.2908%
1982*** 555,4670.3019%
1981*** 505,5260.3095%
1980*** 624,7030.2645%
1979*** 614,6020.2673%
1978*** 614,4980.2740%
1977*** 713,8740.2358%
1976*** 793,5340.2250%
1975*** 883,3720.2162%
1974*** 1062,8100.1795%
1973*** 1102,8390.1828%
1972*** 1412,0590.1277%
1971*** 3307940.0454%
1970*** 3646750.0369%
1969*** 4644360.0247%
1968*** 5013770.0221%
1967*** 7401750.0102%
1966*** 8511380.0079%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.