Baby Name Rankings of Branden

Branden: Statistics About The Baby Name Branden

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20139861990.0099% ***
20128512470.0123% ***
20116913350.0166% ***
20106273850.0189% ***
20095904390.0209% ***
20085864250.0198% ***
20074815500.0252% ***
20064725570.0258% ***
20054445740.0275% ***
20044196120.0294% ***
20033956590.0316% ***
20023717110.0346% ***
20013398090.0393% ***
20003378100.0389% ***
19993119170.0451% ***
19983099080.0449% ***
19973048890.0446% ***
19962889370.0468% ***
19952919090.0453% ***
19942701,0380.0510% ***
19932691,0700.0519% ***
19922511,1470.0547% ***
19912671,0120.0478% ***
19902998490.0395% ***
19892629700.0463% ***
19882618940.0448% ***
19872519140.0469% ***
19862588570.0447% ***
19852658090.0421% ***
19842837340.0392% ***
19833096390.0344% ***
19823205960.0317% ***
19813195970.0321% ***
19804073990.0216% ***
19794832930.0164% ***
19785212460.0144% ***
19775222520.0148% ***
19766171750.0107% ***
19755642040.0126% ***
19746251650.0101% ***
19736741410.0088% ***
19727671070.0064% ***
1971918780.0043% ***
1970938720.0038% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.