Baby Name Rankings of Brandan

Brandan: Statistics About The Baby Name Brandan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20019821550.0075% ***
20008571850.0089% ***
19997512120.0104% ***
19987592090.0103% ***
19977811890.0095% ***
19967012270.0113% ***
19957022270.0113% ***
19947132130.0105% ***
19936372630.0128% ***
19926572490.0119% ***
19916452500.0118% ***
19907451860.0087% ***
19896932050.0098% ***
19887261680.0084% ***
19876671890.0097% ***
19866471890.0099% ***
19856641760.0092% ***
19847421370.0073% ***
19838721010.0054% ***
1982916950.0050% ***
19818401090.0059% ***
1980958880.0048% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.