Baby Name Rankings of Braiden

Braiden: Statistics About The Baby Name Braiden

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20169052370.0117% ***
20158972400.0118% ***
20148242710.0134% ***
20137592960.0148% ***
20126044150.0207% ***
20115444640.0231% ***
20104685510.0271% ***
20094845560.0265% ***
20084945480.0255% ***
20075294760.0218% ***
20066023970.0184% ***
20055813870.0185% ***
20046673010.0145% ***
20037572320.0111% ***
20027492300.0112% ***
20018391920.0093% ***
20009881490.0072% ***
19999741470.0072% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.