Baby Name Rankings of Brad

Brad: Statistics About The Baby Name Brad

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20079452060.0094% ***
20068972130.0099% ***
20058162260.0108% ***
20048272110.0101% ***
20038042140.0102% ***
20027482300.0112% ***
20016822630.0128% ***
20006312890.0139% ***
19996033060.0150% ***
19985803370.0167% ***
19975203880.0195% ***
19964994180.0209% ***
19955133970.0198% ***
19945163820.0188% ***
19934624560.0221% ***
19924624700.0224% ***
19914015660.0267% ***
19903626500.0303% ***
19893197470.0357% ***
19882768330.0417% ***
19872281,0270.0528% ***
19862171,0990.0573% ***
19852101,1410.0594% ***
19841951,2370.0661% ***
19831751,4680.0789% ***
19821621,6870.0896% ***
19811431,9530.1051% ***
19801162,3680.1280% ***
19791152,3320.1304% ***
19781232,1020.1233% ***
19771062,5190.1477% ***
19761072,4360.1494% ***
1975982,5990.1605% ***
19741052,4810.1524% ***
19731371,8780.1165% ***
19721491,7470.1045% ***
19711392,1640.1193% ***
19701392,3250.1222% ***
19691452,1100.1154% ***
19681591,7070.0962% ***
19671551,7650.0993% ***
19661491,9020.1047% ***
19651472,0870.1102% ***
19641432,2750.1123% ***
19631462,2780.1104% ***
19621582,0750.0988% ***
19611412,4980.1161% ***
19601342,6500.1224% ***
19591492,3440.1083% ***
19581502,2630.1053% ***
19571522,1930.1004% ***
19561422,2540.1052% ***
19551531,8730.0898% ***
19541541,8510.0896% ***
19531641,6450.0824% ***
19522129680.0491% ***
19512726170.0324% ***
19503214560.0251% ***
19493843070.0171% ***
19484132680.0151% ***
19474402310.0125% ***
19465051630.0099% ***
1945712730.0053% ***
1944761670.0048% ***
1943825640.0044% ***
1942842600.0043% ***
188783460.0055% ***
188092850.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.