Baby Name Rankings of Bonita

Bonita: Statistics About The Baby Name Bonita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1976*** 9901280.0081%
1975*** 9761260.0081%
1974*** 7721790.0114%
1973*** 8021620.0104%
1972*** 6612270.0141%
1971*** 6342610.0149%
1970*** 5653220.0176%
1969*** 5173600.0204%
1968*** 5023720.0218%
1967*** 4374630.0270%
1966*** 3985290.0301%
1965*** 3636240.0342%
1964*** 3666630.0339%
1963*** 3268310.0418%
1962*** 3049260.0457%
1961*** 3039270.0447%
1960*** 3178900.0428%
1959*** 3338160.0393%
1958*** 3288190.0397%
1957*** 2899700.0463%
1956*** 2421,1760.0571%
1955*** 2301,2380.0618%
1954*** 2321,1980.0602%
1953*** 2181,3510.0701%
1952*** 2001,4540.0764%
1951*** 1901,5200.0825%
1950*** 1821,5250.0867%
1949*** 1851,5080.0860%
1948*** 2031,3130.0754%
1947*** 1891,4500.0798%
1946*** 1981,2100.0752%
1945*** 2268410.0625%
1944*** 2039790.0717%
1943*** 2061,0120.0707%
1942*** 2348250.0593%
1941*** 2317420.0596%
1940*** 2755150.0436%
1939*** 3123900.0344%
1938*** 3333600.0315%
1937*** 3982650.0241%
1936*** 4222340.0217%
1935*** 4002600.0239%
1934*** 4232400.0222%
1933*** 4232290.0219%
1932*** 4372270.0205%
1931*** 4472070.0188%
1930*** 4572170.0186%
1929*** 4801980.0171%
1928*** 4961940.0162%
1927*** 4922010.0163%
1926*** 5091870.0152%
1925*** 4832090.0166%
1924*** 5611670.0129%
1923*** 5631650.0132%
1922*** 6491270.0102%
1921*** 6141420.0111%
1920*** 6081370.0110%
1919*** 706990.0084%
1918*** 722990.0082%
1917*** 719930.0083%
1916*** 6331150.0106%
1915*** 701900.0088%
1914*** 757580.0073%
1913*** 673590.0090%
1912*** 758440.0075%
1911*** 703380.0086%
1910*** 680390.0093%
1909*** 692330.0090%
1908*** 884200.0056%
1907*** 844200.0059%
1906*** 875180.0057%
1905*** 971150.0048%
1904*** 782210.0072%
1903*** 980130.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.