Baby Name Rankings of Blaise

Blaise: Statistics About The Baby Name Blaise

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20219992170.0117% ***
20209352350.0127% ***
20199252340.0123% ***
20179082340.0119% ***
20169022380.0118% ***
20158052830.0140% ***
20148452620.0129% ***
20139122250.0112% ***
20129182220.0110% ***
20119312120.0105% ***
20109572060.0101% ***
20099772000.0095% ***
20079921920.0088% ***
20069851850.0086% ***
200510001670.0080% ***
20048911900.0091% ***
20037992160.0103% ***
20027992130.0104% ***
20018022070.0100% ***
20009421600.0077% ***
19998891690.0083% ***
19988991600.0079% ***
19979641360.0068% ***
19969781280.0064% ***
19949991230.0060% ***
1962985600.0029% ***
1959991600.0028% ***
1953977540.0027% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.