Baby Name Rankings of Birdie

Birdie: Statistics About The Baby Name Birdie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 7014070.0233%
2022*** 8033480.0195%
2021*** 8972990.0168%
1948*** 977790.0045%
1947*** 989800.0044%
1945*** 863760.0056%
1944*** 774970.0071%
1943*** 805910.0064%
1942*** 759990.0071%
1941*** 6761080.0087%
1940*** 6531140.0097%
1939*** 6631050.0093%
1938*** 6381160.0102%
1937*** 6461110.0101%
1936*** 6221120.0104%
1935*** 5441390.0128%
1934*** 5511370.0127%
1933*** 5501340.0128%
1932*** 5181600.0145%
1931*** 5361520.0138%
1930*** 5061750.0150%
1929*** 4851940.0168%
1928*** 5611570.0131%
1927*** 5061910.0155%
1926*** 4862060.0168%
1925*** 4882060.0163%
1924*** 4612270.0175%
1923*** 4502310.0184%
1922*** 4062610.0209%
1921*** 4202570.0201%
1920*** 4452270.0183%
1919*** 4262350.0200%
1918*** 4042640.0220%
1917*** 4142340.0208%
1916*** 3772750.0253%
1915*** 3792550.0249%
1914*** 3632110.0265%
1913*** 3282130.0326%
1912*** 3351850.0316%
1911*** 3621210.0275%
1910*** 2841860.0444%
1909*** 2861580.0430%
1908*** 2841540.0435%
1907*** 2791570.0466%
1906*** 2731490.0476%
1905*** 2701480.0478%
1904*** 2581500.0513%
1903*** 2611380.0496%
1902*** 2291730.0617%
1901*** 2181700.0669%
1900*** 2182040.0641%
1899*** 2141630.0659%
1898*** 2161780.0649%
1897*** 2241510.0608%
1896*** 2181620.0643%
1895*** 1991840.0745%
1894*** 2041690.0716%
1893*** 2081490.0662%
1892*** 2041530.0680%
1891*** 1951380.0702%
1890*** 1791680.0833%
1889*** 1771660.0877%
1888*** 1611810.0955%
1887*** 1751330.0856%
1886*** 1831230.0800%
1885*** 1601310.0923%
1884*** 1561280.0930%
1883*** 171930.0775%
1882*** 1521130.0977%
1881*** 159840.0850%
1880*** 155850.0871%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.