Baby Name Rankings of Billye

Billye: Statistics About The Baby Name Billye

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1944*** 874760.0056%
1943*** 975660.0046%
1942*** 906750.0054%
1941*** 918640.0051%
1940*** 999510.0043%
1939*** 906600.0053%
1938*** 913600.0053%
1937*** 840670.0061%
1936*** 803700.0065%
1935*** 729850.0078%
1934*** 716860.0080%
1933*** 6491020.0098%
1932*** 767780.0071%
1931*** 6101180.0107%
1930*** 5551500.0129%
1929*** 5571510.0131%
1928*** 6071340.0112%
1927*** 5831470.0119%
1926*** 6211330.0108%
1925*** 6071430.0113%
1924*** 7201070.0083%
1923*** 771890.0071%
1922*** 825790.0063%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.