Baby Name Rankings of Bettye

Bettye: Statistics About The Baby Name Bettye

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1959*** 9211280.0062%
1958*** 9281230.0060%
1957*** 8351480.0071%
1956*** 6782000.0097%
1955*** 5702560.0128%
1954*** 5352760.0139%
1953*** 4723280.0170%
1952*** 4214110.0216%
1951*** 3834570.0248%
1950*** 3644780.0272%
1949*** 3146120.0349%
1948*** 3046340.0364%
1947*** 2847420.0409%
1946*** 2786910.0429%
1945*** 2586790.0504%
1944*** 2587060.0517%
1943*** 2577400.0517%
1942*** 2537420.0533%
1941*** 2387250.0582%
1940*** 2407000.0593%
1939*** 2446570.0579%
1938*** 2297280.0638%
1937*** 2496400.0581%
1936*** 2466400.0594%
1935*** 2396980.0643%
1934*** 2327420.0686%
1933*** 2217590.0726%
1932*** 2306950.0628%
1931*** 2257380.0669%
1930*** 2247530.0646%
1929*** 2266990.0604%
1928*** 2426610.0553%
1927*** 2526740.0545%
1926*** 2746030.0491%
1925*** 2875420.0429%
1924*** 3184390.0339%
1923*** 3303890.0311%
1922*** 4272430.0195%
1921*** 4602240.0175%
1920*** 5791530.0123%
1919*** 6811050.0089%
1918*** 6841100.0091%
1917*** 771800.0071%
1916*** 858630.0058%
1915*** 981460.0045%
1914*** 957380.0048%
1913*** 841390.0060%
1910*** 770310.0074%
1909*** 992170.0046%
1883*** 93950.0042%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.