Baby Name Rankings of Bertie

Bertie: Statistics About The Baby Name Bertie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1947*** 914940.0052%
1946*** 875900.0056%
1945*** 790900.0067%
1944*** 7321070.0078%
1943*** 7041180.0082%
1942*** 6681260.0091%
1941*** 6161310.0105%
1940*** 6331240.0105%
1939*** 5721380.0122%
1938*** 5431570.0138%
1937*** 5781360.0123%
1936*** 4861750.0162%
1935*** 4751780.0164%
1934*** 4691890.0175%
1933*** 4691960.0188%
1932*** 4362270.0205%
1931*** 4512020.0183%
1930*** 4452300.0197%
1929*** 4052670.0231%
1928*** 3363960.0332%
1927*** 4502380.0193%
1926*** 4142700.0220%
1925*** 4332540.0201%
1924*** 4332590.0200%
1923*** 4212550.0204%
1922*** 3693190.0256%
1921*** 3962910.0228%
1920*** 3773070.0247%
1919*** 3743000.0255%
1918*** 3693090.0257%
1917*** 3593020.0269%
1916*** 3423260.0300%
1915*** 3233410.0333%
1914*** 3422390.0301%
1913*** 3152290.0351%
1912*** 3032220.0379%
1911981120.0050% 2991740.0395%
1910*** 2781950.0466%
1909*** 2641840.0501%
1908*** 2761640.0463%
1907877100.0063% 2511880.0558%
1906*** 2701500.0479%
1905*** 2511650.0533%
190489080.0058% 2231880.0643%
1903*** 2221880.0676%
190280090.0068% 2062050.0731%
1901686100.0086% 2021960.0771%
1900*** 2212030.0638%
1899*** 2151620.0655%
189874890.0068% 2271670.0609%
189795160.0049% 2091750.0705%
189683180.0062% 2071830.0726%
189574490.0071% 2201540.0623%
189486870.0056% 1961780.0754%
1893510140.0116% 1981670.0741%
1892527150.0114% 1941690.0751%
189171180.0073% 1881560.0794%
189074880.0067% 1881580.0783%
1889468160.0134% 1891430.0756%
188892960.0046% 1631790.0945%
1887592100.0091% 1931080.0695%
188670380.0067% 1541510.0982%
1885582110.0095% 1631260.0888%
1884522130.0106% 179990.0719%
1883599100.0089% 1601060.0883%
1882543120.0098% 162960.0830%
188160290.0083% 181680.0688%
188068680.0068% 169770.0789%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.