Baby Name Rankings of Bernardo

Bernardo: Statistics About The Baby Name Bernardo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20079562020.0093% ***
20069751860.0086% ***
20059671760.0084% ***
20048851930.0093% ***
20039711630.0078% ***
20028451950.0095% ***
20018501880.0091% ***
20009001720.0083% ***
19998881690.0083% ***
19987901930.0095% ***
19977741920.0096% ***
19967242130.0106% ***
19956822400.0119% ***
19946722360.0116% ***
19937322020.0098% ***
19928241630.0078% ***
19917281930.0091% ***
19907621770.0082% ***
19897401790.0086% ***
19887371640.0082% ***
19878431220.0063% ***
19867221570.0082% ***
19858761070.0056% ***
19848681020.0054% ***
19837771250.0067% ***
19828281150.0061% ***
19817151450.0078% ***
19807311440.0078% ***
19798081150.0064% ***
1978914890.0052% ***
1977875930.0055% ***
19767301310.0080% ***
19757851110.0069% ***
19747531150.0071% ***
19737571120.0070% ***
19727741060.0063% ***
19717851050.0058% ***
1970834930.0049% ***
1969802930.0051% ***
1968842740.0042% ***
1967789850.0048% ***
1966873690.0038% ***
1965811830.0044% ***
1964846810.0040% ***
1963856770.0037% ***
1962879750.0036% ***
1961930670.0031% ***
1960916680.0031% ***
1959833830.0038% ***
1958866750.0035% ***
1954887690.0033% ***
1953998520.0026% ***
1952904610.0031% ***
1951981510.0027% ***
1950992490.0027% ***
1949846650.0036% ***
1948960520.0029% ***
1947969540.0029% ***
1946910530.0032% ***
1945950460.0034% ***
1913951270.0050% ***
189599260.0047% ***
188892860.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.