Baby Name Rankings of Benton

Benton: Statistics About The Baby Name Benton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20189982060.0107% ***
20179162300.0117% ***
20168222760.0137% ***
20158762510.0124% ***
20149442220.0109% ***
20139162230.0111% ***
20128792370.0118% ***
20119382090.0104% ***
1968983560.0032% ***
1967951570.0032% ***
1966933610.0034% ***
1964974610.0030% ***
1963899690.0033% ***
1962907700.0033% ***
1960951630.0029% ***
1959951650.0030% ***
1958891710.0033% ***
1957911690.0032% ***
1955922650.0031% ***
1954951600.0029% ***
1952978530.0027% ***
1951950540.0028% ***
1950916560.0031% ***
1949861630.0035% ***
1948915560.0032% ***
1947869640.0035% ***
1946848600.0036% ***
1945776630.0046% ***
1944733710.0051% ***
1943856600.0041% ***
1942763700.0050% ***
1941795620.0049% ***
1940811590.0050% ***
1939792590.0052% ***
1938834550.0048% ***
1937807580.0053% ***
1936745650.0061% ***
1935807590.0055% ***
1934869520.0049% ***
1933826560.0055% ***
1932856560.0052% ***
1931789630.0059% ***
1930719760.0067% ***
1929777680.0062% ***
1928705810.0071% ***
1927740780.0067% ***
1926686860.0075% ***
1925818660.0057% ***
1924790730.0062% ***
1923756750.0066% ***
1922724820.0073% ***
1921848660.0058% ***
1920655940.0085% ***
1919753730.0072% ***
1918730770.0073% ***
1917687770.0080% ***
1916677770.0083% ***
1915767610.0069% ***
1914670580.0085% ***
1913761380.0071% ***
1912669400.0089% ***
1911646230.0095% ***
1910711180.0086% ***
1909759140.0079% ***
1908684150.0090% ***
1907876100.0063% ***
1905670130.0091% ***
190488980.0058% ***
190391970.0054% ***
1902751100.0075% ***
1901509150.0130% ***
1900702130.0080% ***
189994760.0052% ***
189795060.0049% ***
1896465190.0147% ***
1895640110.0087% ***
189392260.0050% ***
189275790.0068% ***
189198750.0046% ***
1890513140.0117% ***
1889529130.0109% ***
188870890.0069% ***
1887423160.0146% ***
188665290.0076% ***
1885611100.0086% ***
1884436180.0147% ***
1883413180.0160% ***
1882578110.0090% ***
1881536110.0102% ***
1880605100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.