Baby Name Rankings of Benedict

Benedict: Statistics About The Baby Name Benedict

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239282450.0134% ***
20229632330.0125% ***
20219912190.0118% ***
20189812090.0108% ***
1968974570.0032% ***
1967892650.0037% ***
1966932610.0034% ***
1965918650.0034% ***
1964852790.0039% ***
1963840810.0039% ***
1962803890.0042% ***
1961822860.0040% ***
1960849790.0036% ***
1959808890.0041% ***
1958776920.0043% ***
1957818850.0039% ***
1956793870.0041% ***
1955942630.0030% ***
1954840740.0036% ***
1953734940.0047% ***
1952874640.0032% ***
1951753850.0045% ***
1950699960.0053% ***
1949758820.0046% ***
1948763780.0044% ***
19476871010.0055% ***
1946788710.0043% ***
1945757650.0047% ***
1944701780.0056% ***
1943745750.0052% ***
1942678910.0065% ***
1941731720.0057% ***
1940779630.0053% ***
1939721690.0061% ***
1938724710.0063% ***
1937745670.0061% ***
1936773620.0058% ***
1935806590.0055% ***
1934706740.0070% ***
1933757650.0064% ***
1932723740.0069% ***
1931760660.0062% ***
1930662880.0078% ***
19295831050.0095% ***
1928614990.0087% ***
19276191020.0088% ***
19265791140.0100% ***
19256251020.0089% ***
19245891160.0099% ***
19236311030.0091% ***
19225311380.0123% ***
19215311370.0120% ***
19205451270.0115% ***
19195511180.0116% ***
19184631640.0156% ***
19174611520.0158% ***
19164751460.0158% ***
19154821330.0151% ***
19144461160.0170% ***
1913616510.0095% ***
1912608450.0100% ***
1911607250.0104% ***
1910523290.0139% ***
1909806130.0074% ***
1908829110.0066% ***
1907560190.0120% ***
1906616150.0104% ***
1905669130.0091% ***
1904519180.0130% ***
1903702110.0085% ***
190186570.0061% ***
1900792110.0068% ***
189994660.0052% ***
189880880.0061% ***
189794960.0049% ***
1896645120.0093% ***
189580580.0063% ***
189486770.0056% ***
189275490.0068% ***
189185160.0055% ***
1890633100.0084% ***
188980270.0059% ***
188677170.0059% ***
1885551120.0103% ***
188390550.0044% ***
188270780.0066% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.