Baby Name Rankings of Baxter

Baxter: Statistics About The Baby Name Baxter

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1933999410.0040% ***
1927961520.0045% ***
1924920580.0050% ***
1917962450.0047% ***
1916999410.0044% ***
1915999400.0045% ***
1914856400.0059% ***
1913950270.0050% ***
1912918240.0053% ***
1911979120.0050% ***
1909956100.0057% ***
1908828110.0066% ***
190793690.0057% ***
190593180.0056% ***
190497370.0051% ***
190391870.0054% ***
190279990.0068% ***
190186470.0061% ***
1900845100.0062% ***
189889470.0053% ***
1897688100.0082% ***
1896731100.0077% ***
189588270.0055% ***
189486670.0056% ***
189377580.0066% ***
189280280.0061% ***
189198350.0046% ***
189066890.0075% ***
188980170.0059% ***
1888653100.0077% ***
1887518120.0110% ***
1886516130.0109% ***
188570580.0069% ***
188470980.0065% ***
188381060.0053% ***
188276470.0057% ***
188179260.0055% ***
1880574110.0093% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.