Baby Name Rankings of Barbra

Barbra: Statistics About The Baby Name Barbra

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971*** 8391630.0093%
1970*** 7372000.0109%
1969*** 6992010.0114%
1968*** 6981940.0114%
1967*** 6002520.0147%
1966*** 5113420.0195%
1965*** 6392340.0128%
1964*** 8201630.0083%
1962*** 9271310.0065%
1961*** 9561280.0062%
1960*** 8871390.0067%
1959*** 8721400.0067%
1958*** 8681380.0067%
1957*** 8261500.0072%
1956*** 8661330.0065%
1955*** 7351660.0083%
1954*** 8121340.0067%
1953*** 6321980.0103%
1952*** 6571850.0097%
1951*** 5882130.0116%
1950*** 5762100.0119%
1949*** 5921950.0111%
1948*** 6311720.0099%
1947*** 7651260.0069%
1946*** 8221010.0063%
1945*** 797890.0066%
1944*** 805900.0066%
1943*** 799930.0065%
1942*** 866790.0057%
1941*** 766880.0071%
1940*** 6641090.0092%
1939*** 681990.0087%
1938*** 725890.0078%
1937*** 733850.0077%
1936*** 738810.0075%
1935*** 769770.0071%
1934*** 865620.0057%
1933*** 777720.0069%
1932*** 966540.0049%
1931*** 954530.0048%
1882*** 92050.0043%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.