Baby Name Rankings of Azariah

Azariah: Statistics About The Baby Name Azariah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235705110.0279% 5635270.0301%
20226414270.0229% 6194760.0267%
20216484190.0225% 7553750.0211%
20206833740.0203% 8563160.0179%
20197003540.0185% 8043390.0186%
20187583070.0159% 8223270.0177%
20177982850.0145% 8263270.0174%
20167902970.0147% 7853610.0187%
20156993580.0177% 8493260.0168%
20148382640.0130% 9542780.0143%
20138342540.0127% ***
2012*** 9632620.0136%
2010*** 9582640.0136%
2009*** 9852660.0133%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.