Baby Name Rankings of Ayanna

Ayanna: Statistics About The Baby Name Ayanna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2014*** 8963000.0155%
2013*** 8303160.0166%
2012*** 7513670.0191%
2011*** 6354440.0231%
2010*** 6114760.0245%
2009*** 6334670.0233%
2008*** 5795270.0256%
2007*** 5315800.0278%
2006*** 5275650.0275%
2005*** 4916140.0308%
2004*** 4686240.0314%
2003*** 3618390.0421%
2002*** 4725940.0302%
2001*** 4007250.0367%
2000*** 4326550.0329%
1999*** 4206540.0337%
1998*** 4475730.0296%
1997*** 4845150.0270%
1996*** 6583370.0176%
1995*** 6713160.0165%
1994*** 6783110.0160%
1993*** 8632240.0114%
1992*** 9302090.0104%
1977*** 8441760.0107%
1975*** 8661540.0099%
1973*** 7611770.0114%
1972*** 5063420.0212%
1971*** 7511950.0111%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.