Baby Name Rankings of Auther

Auther: Statistics About The Baby Name Auther

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1944988430.0031% ***
1942921520.0037% ***
1940914480.0040% ***
1939955430.0038% ***
1938855530.0047% ***
1937837530.0049% ***
1936995400.0038% ***
1935959440.0041% ***
1934848550.0052% ***
1933938450.0044% ***
1932839580.0054% ***
1930853590.0052% ***
1929859590.0053% ***
1928837620.0054% ***
1927960520.0045% ***
1926804670.0059% ***
1925817660.0057% ***
1923896580.0051% ***
1920937540.0049% ***
1919972480.0047% ***
1918941500.0048% ***
1917918480.0050% ***
1911928130.0054% ***
1910984110.0053% ***
1906645140.0097% ***
190293870.0053% ***
190195760.0052% ***
1900790110.0068% ***
189889270.0053% ***
189496360.0048% ***
1891604100.0092% ***
188979870.0059% ***
1888652100.0077% ***
1886611100.0084% ***
188477470.0057% ***
188368380.0071% ***
188284960.0049% ***
188171370.0065% ***
188082560.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.