Baby Name Rankings of Athena

Athena: Statistics About The Baby Name Athena

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 762,9840.1706%
2022*** 783,0080.1686%
2021*** 982,6880.1511%
2020*** 1082,4990.1418%
2019*** 1052,7020.1482%
2018*** 1172,5820.1399%
2017*** 1272,3650.1261%
2016*** 1422,1710.1126%
2015*** 1572,0400.1054%
2014*** 1951,6770.0865%
2013*** 2181,4450.0757%
2012*** 2471,2940.0673%
2011*** 3139980.0520%
2010*** 3608780.0452%
2009*** 4307310.0365%
2008*** 4556830.0332%
2007*** 4447110.0341%
2006*** 5045940.0289%
2005*** 4616460.0324%
2004*** 4845960.0300%
2003*** 5255350.0268%
2002*** 5035460.0278%
2001*** 4985500.0279%
2000*** 5284970.0250%
1999*** 5184910.0253%
1998*** 5494510.0233%
1997*** 6813160.0166%
1996*** 6873160.0165%
1995*** 7092950.0154%
1994*** 8122470.0127%
1993*** 7642700.0137%
1992*** 8032500.0125%
1991*** 7772640.0130%
1990*** 7302850.0139%
1989*** 7112790.0140%
1988*** 7942330.0121%
1987*** 8492020.0108%
1986*** 6872660.0144%
1985*** 5923270.0177%
1984*** 5673240.0180%
1983*** 5493350.0187%
1982*** 5633260.0180%
1981*** 5743210.0180%
1980*** 5423470.0195%
1979*** 4574450.0259%
1978*** 6242680.0163%
1977*** 6302650.0161%
1976*** 6592320.0148%
1975*** 6252520.0162%
1974*** 6202510.0160%
1973*** 6812190.0141%
1972*** 6592290.0142%
1971*** 6962180.0125%
1970*** 7381990.0109%
1969*** 7541780.0101%
1968*** 7521740.0102%
1967*** 7691640.0096%
1966*** 8601350.0077%
1965*** 8861270.0070%
1964*** 8501500.0077%
1963*** 9331280.0064%
1962*** 8301590.0078%
1961*** 8711490.0072%
1960*** 8441510.0073%
1959*** 9431230.0059%
1957*** 9881100.0052%
1956*** 8871260.0061%
1955*** 7131760.0088%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.